Tips For Better Business Communication And Getting More Leads

No matter how often contact is made, it is likely that the company does not communicate sufficiently with its customers. Regular communication strengthens trust between the company and the customer. Remember: the buyer walks away from the seller who does not make constant and quality communication with him.

How Is Quality Communication Maintained?

While it is well known that much more money must be invested in attracting new customers than in keeping and nurturing existing ones, many companies still have irregular contact with their customers.

Therefore, it can be said that nurturing existing customers can significantly increase profits. Besides, it is important to know that today, buyers are not “waiting” for sellers. They independently search and research the products that interest them. It is also known that in the present time, dissatisfied customers are far “louder” than they have ever been.

And that’s why the company’s bad reputation is more visible than ever. Let’s just say that as many as 68% of surveyed customers said they would share their bad experiences on social networks. And that would probably mean that many potential customers would never look for a product or service of a company with a bad reputation.

Some Causes Of Poor Communication

Sellers should put customer satisfaction first. And probably everyone would be pleased if the customers were all the same. However,  each customer is unique. Therefore, communication and seller access are a major tool in the sales process. Still, this is not the case with all sellers. The reason for a sales failure should be sought in poor communication.

Poor communication is certainly something to be avoided if one is to survive and prosper in the market. The problem of one-way communication, or communication in which only one party is active, is manifested through unanswered messages and emails or unanswered calls, unresponded forms, unfulfilled promises, etc. Poor business reputation, loss of existing customers, higher advertising costs and then lower profits – are inevitable consequences of such communication in further business.

Imprecise Communication

It is not uncommon for communication with customers to be imprecise, unclear, or even to use jargon or non-respectful communication. These problems are the result of deficiencies in sales management staff and customer service staff. All these problems will be avoided if there is an awareness that regular and quality communication with customers can increase customer satisfaction, ensure their loyalty and increase company profits.

How To Improve Communication And Attract More Leads

1.  Training Of Employees In This Field

Any serious company knows how important it is to have good and quality customer service. In order to improve the business and therefore the sales, larger companies invest some resources in customer service and its human resources. When the company staff is adequately trained to successfully respond to customer requirements, employees or salespeople have greater knowledge and confidence to cope with different conditions and difficulties during different sales.

2.  Facilitate Customer Communication

There is nothing more irritating than trying to contact a company and not make contact. If you are a legitimate company, why would it be difficult for your customers to contact you? By posting a simple contact form on the site, you are solving a communication problem. You can opt for traditional forms or conversational forms of contact.

According to, both options have their advantages. What will you choose depends on your style as well as the needs of your customers and your company. It is also advisable to set a phone number for site visitors. Customers expect to be able to contact you at any time – whether via live chat, social networking or over the phone, and brand trust grows if there is two-way communication.

3.  Promotions And Special Offers

According to, promotion is one of the basic elements of the marketing mix. In marketing, promotion means any form of communication that is used to inform, remind and convince the target market of the value of a brand, service or product. That way it is influencing consumer purchasing decisions. The goals of the promotion can be the following:

  • introduction to a new product
  • differentiation
  • generating interest in the product
  • increasing awareness, that is, exposure
  • emphasizing the value of the product
  • increase in sales
  • creating consumer loyalty

4.  Good Content Marketing

Good content enables us to reach and retain the target group with relatively small budgets with the help of well-planned tactics. The content marketing philosophy is fundamentally changing the approach to customers and service users but also pushing companies and brands to build a friendship with them instead of looking for weak points. Content marketing solves a specific consumer problem and this is its elusive advantage over “ordinary” marketing.

5.  Using Social Platforms

Social networks are an integral part of digital marketing and its strategy. Most platforms have built-in analytics tools that we can use to measure and track the performance of brand activity. We can see exactly what our target group likes and what does not. Based on that, we can tailor the strategy. Social networks help drive quality content, while content helps grow brand and followership. Content marketing first draws attention to quality content, then builds rapport, builds trust, and ultimately encourages customer action.

What Does Good Communication Mean For Business?

Several factors contribute to quality communication. By investing time and energy in them, business and sales results can be greatly improved. Here we primarily consider the following factors:

1. Active Listening

This is one of the imperatives for successful and quality communication with customers. Listening to what the buyer wants can help you close the sale. Likely, active listening will more quickly identify the problems and needs that led the customer to inquire about the product on offer. And after that – sales will happen faster too.

2. Availability And Speed Of Response

Buyers do not like to wait for the seller’s service. Non-response to phone calls, emails or messages, then slow and sluggish services and limited availability of sellers are the reasons why a buyer opts for another company in the market. For example, if a customer has waited for a long time to be served, their dissatisfaction is natural and justified. The way a salesman reacts to them after experiencing annoyance is more than crucial. It is the last chance of the company not to lose the customer for all time.

3. Get To Know Your Customers

Nowadays, large and successful companies compete to better meet market conditions and customer needs. Often because of this, they want to get to know their customers better. With modern software solutions, they manage to personalize communication with a large number of existing customers. With this approach, the company protects its existing customers.


Good communication achieves a closer and better relationship between the customer and the company. This way, the company earns significant profits, as it does not have to invest in returning old customers, but can direct the same funds towards acquiring new customers. All of this leads to better business. The company recognizes itself as a serious competitor in the market, as it proves to be a reliable and professional trader in front of its consumers.

Peter is a freelance writer with more than eight years of experience covering topics in politics. He was one of the guys that were here when the started.