
The Benefits of SEO

If you’re a small business, chances are you’ve done everything you can to get your name out there. From extensive advertising campaigns to Facebook ads, social media promotion to direct marketing, you have likely tried every trick in the book to get your business noticed.

Smaller businesses lack the large budget of flashier organizations, so it’s important that your budget is utilized as efficiently as possible to minimize waste and maximize revenue. SEO is the ideal solution to your issues. While it can be adapted to any size company, its simplicity, accessibility, and opportunity to generate free, organic traffic makes it an ideal choice for smaller organizations.

What Is SEO?


SEO stands for search engine optimization, and at its most basic level, it’s a system that can help your website rank in a higher place in search engine results. It helps your business take advantage of the natural, organic traffic which is generated by search engines, so it’s an easy way to draw attention and potential customers to your site.

SEO uses keywords to achieve a higher ranking on search engines, which means that customers who have already expressed an interest in your product and service are directed to your site faster. The benefits are twofold: they can access what they need with ease, and you gain traffic that consists of genuine potential and interest.

The Benefits of SEO

Some of the positives of using SEO include:

  • Increase the legitimacy of your business

As human beings, we are in many ways herd animals. Trends and fashions prove that at times we prefer to follow the crowd, relying on the wisdom and experiences of others to help us make meaningful choices. How many times have you decided to visit a restaurant based on a positive recommendation by a friend, or tried a new lipstick a relative was wearing? Your business can work the same way.


Imagine yourself as a customer who is looking for a plumbing service. You have two choices. The first is a website located at the back end of Google searches, on page two or three. Upon closer inspection, you discover that their social media pages are sparse or missing, the website vague and unhelpful, and you can see no testimonials or reviews. On the other hand, an option comes up right at the top of your search, with a helpful website connected to active and busy social media which interacts and engages with its clients. There really is no choice at all.

  • Increase brand awareness

Similarly, if you are the top choice on every search, customers are more likely to trust and invest in you, increasing your brand awareness within your industry.

  • A cost-effective form of marketing

SEO relies on organic traffic from search results, so it won’t cost you a penny. This makes it particularly appealing for smaller businesses who are watching their budget carefully.

  • Increase the traffic and potential revenue

Good SEO brings customers to your site who are there for a reason: they already need what you are offering, which means you achieve more genuine, authentic leads who are far more likely to convert into revenue. If you’re like most people, you’re more likely to trust the organic results on Google than the paid ads. A recent study published by SEO firm Safari Digital Sydney found that 61% of users said they were more likely to click on an organic result than a paid ad.

SEO is big business, and it can transform your organization from start-up to the big time with a bit of work. The best news? If you don’t have time to get to grips with the technical aspects, there are a wealth of options for you to choose from in your area. If you do a bit of searching, you’ll come across many helpful results, such as Scott Keever SEO named Cincinnati’s Best Marketing Agency, and they would be more than able to help take you to the next level of success.